Xixerella Park Andorra Apartamentos ,Bungalows y Camping i La Massana

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AndorraXixerella Park Andorra Apartamentos ,Bungalows y Camping



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Xixerella, AD400 La Massana, Andorra
kontakter telefon: +376 738 613
internet side: www.xixerellapark.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.553519, Longitude: 1.48901

kommentar 5

  • Snips GS

    Snips GS


    Great location & reasonably priced & well equipped apartments, restaurant was good & sw8imming pool on site. Motorcycle friendly

  • Paul Carr

    Paul Carr


    I really like this place I first stayed here almost 30 years ago and it has changed a lot since then. The actual campsite is smaller than it used to be because there's now a 19 hole mini golf course here! The swimming pool is completely different much bigger, heated end covered too! The toilets and showers are bigger and better too. There's a bar and a restaurant, lots of chalets and considerably more up market. There are lots of "mountain bikers" here as it's a great base to explore from. The only downside for me was the price they charged for electricity which at €6.50 per day, I thought, was a bit excessive.

  • Laura Ann Doig

    Laura Ann Doig


    Beautifully situated in the heart of the Pyrenees, great covered pool but restaurant not so good! Too expensive for what you get. Great hiking from the camping.

  • julia smith

    julia smith


    Quite and peaceful away from the bustle of busy town's but only a short drive to the capital and surrounding areas. Friendly and welcoming staff who speak English and warm and well equipped chalets, there is a hotel and camp site with facilities on site also.

  • Razvan Mircea

    Razvan Mircea


    While the conditions are fairly good, the hosts can do a better job offering support to the guests. Careful with the hot water. Can reach 90 degrees Celsius in 5 seconds. I got few burns while trying to do the dishes.

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