Ticketbar i Escaldes-Engordany

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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121, Avinguda Carlemany, AD700, Escaldes-Engordany, AD Andorra
kontakter telefon: +44 20 3514 2614
internet side: ticketbar.eu
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Latitude: 42.5084613, Longitude: 1.5342848

kommentar 5

  • no 00

    no 00


    BEWARE. I paid for the seville Super combo set on 18 oct 2019 ( this was specifically entered in the order). But when it came to saving the dates, the most important ticket, the alcazar, was not available! Cutting our losses, we scheduled the cathedral ticket (foregoing alcazar) later in the afternoon. But no ticket arrived! Total scam. They even have the disclaimer of no refunds for cancellation. They do not even deserve the 1 star.

  • Karen Fisher

    Karen Fisher


    Brought tickets for Van Gogh museum, Amsterdam through Ticketbar. The official Van Gogh website had no availability for the day and time I needed. I did worry about buying from a 3rd party, but the tickets scanned no problem at the museum and the worry was for nothing.

  • Daniela Luna

    Daniela Luna


    Great customer care. They answer my request really fast and did everything to accommodate my needs from one day to the other. Thanks to the service I was able to get the Ticket for the Van Gogh Museum that was already Sold Out! I am really grateful to you guys!

  • Eliézer Dinis

    Eliézer Dinis


    Great customer service. I bought a ticket to visit the city of Rome and Vatican. For personal reasons I couldn't go anymore I contact them and the service center cancelled my order and issued a refund almost immediately. Very impressive, it was sunday. On top of that they gave me a 10% discount for my next purchase with them. They know how to treat a client.

  • Molly McDonough

    Molly McDonough


    Great customer service!!! I told them the Van Gogh museum didn’t have the right dates or times for me, and they somehow found me a ticket anyways! I appreciate their service and I can’t wait to take my trip!!

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