Silken Insitu Eurotel i Escaldes-Engordany

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AndorraSilken Insitu Eurotel



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Avinguda Fiter i Rossell nº 51, AD700 Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra
kontakter telefon: +376 863 031
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.5137972, Longitude: 1.5330114

kommentar 5

  • Anna Victoria

    Anna Victoria


    Coming back from my hike and I have my room as unorganized and unclean as I left. UNACCEPTABLE! Also, they charge you 15€ a day for a parking space in a dark basement, the hotel itself is as dark as the parking. The safe closed and there was no way to open it, ridiculous. No air vent in the restroom and no space to put your clothing. I would reconsider getting this hotel again, others probably better around. The breakfast was good though. We have been 2 nights and every breakfast the woman managing the breakfast shift had been complaining about the timing we went to eat, it’s supposed to finish at 10:30 AM but they closed by 10:20 telling us that we were late! To add on, we were waiting in the 5th floor for 10 minutes so the elevator came, never happened. So we had to walk 5 floors down. TOO MUCH TO IMPROVE IN THIS HOTEL.

  • Paul Mallalieu

    Paul Mallalieu


    Clean room and good breakfast but there whole place is poorly lit, The bathroom does not have an air vent and has a cloth shower curtain, there is nowhere to store your clothing in the room besides the hangers, and they don't give you extra towels without asking. They forgot to clean up my room after the first day. Friendly staff in the lobby.

  • P Fedin

    P Fedin


    Nice hotel for the price, walking distance to the center

  • Franklin Lewars

    Franklin Lewars


    Priced well, Very nice and clean, up a steep grade but doable. About 1/2 .mile from city center

  • Andrew Walton

    Andrew Walton


    Rooms are clean and big enough without being oversized. Shower was a bit disappointing and wifi, while strong enough, seemed to slow right down during peak use times. Breakfast was passable continental. Hotel is 5-10 min walk from central Escaldes-Engordany mall and park/open space precinct.

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