Palmir i Andorra la Vella

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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108, Avinguda de Santa Coloma, AD500, Andorra la Vella, AD Andorra
kontakter telefon: +376 804 020
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.500228, Longitude: 1.508296

kommentar 1

  • Jenny Napier

    Jenny Napier


    New Nolte Kitchen. We went to just about every kitchen company in Andorra and had very mixed experiences trying to get designs and quotes. We chose Palmir who were, by far, the most professional company. They were fantastic from start to finish - complete price transparency and basically 100% accurate quote. They arranged everything from the removal of the old kitchen, to ordering all the kit, electricians, plumbers, worktop fitters and sliding glass door fitting. The finished kitchen is excellent. Their showroom in Santa Coloma is big and worth a visit. They have a huge range of tiles, units, materials, worktops, appliances, lighting, splash backs and doors. They were also great at design and worked really intelligently with us and added some great ideas and suggestions. We paid a deposit and they didn't ask for the rest until the job was 100% completed including little finishing things. We highly recommend them and we will be using them again for other building jobs. Thanks so much Marta and Ana - you are fantastic.

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