Mobles la Fàbrica i Andorra la Vella

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AndorraMobles la Fàbrica



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15, Carrer Prat de la Creu, AD500, Andorra la Vella, AD Andorra
kontakter telefon: +376 808 830
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.507128, Longitude: 1.527229

kommentar 5

  • Розанов Дмитрий

    Розанов Дмитрий


    Great shop, nice furniture and good services (Compared to Andorran standards)

  • Koda03



    As we can already see from the reviews. This shop is given customers a very hard time. Also for us it was a VERY bad experience. Zero service, zero communication,very unfriendly. They talk and answer the phone with a level of unproffesionality unseen before. We bought a complete bed and the problems started from the beginning. They sell bad quality and afterwards don't offer any solution. With the bed we also bought a expensive topper, turned out it was the most cheapest latex fabric that caused serious caving, we waisted so much money. We also had so much problems with the delivery and always delay. If you don't want to get frustrated with unfriendly staff especially at the desk and have a garbage customer service, dont buy there in the first place! Mobles la Fàbrica PLEASE do something about this!! Como ya podemos ver en las reseñas. Esta tienda se le da a los clientes un momento muy difícil. También para nosotros fue una muy mala experiencia. Cero servicio, cero comunicación, muy hostil. Hablan y contestan el teléfono con un nivel de no profesionalidad nunca antes visto. Compramos una cama completa y los problemas comenzaron desde el principio. Venden mala calidad y luego no ofrecen ninguna solución. Con la cama también compramos un topper costoso, resultó que era el tejido de látex más barato que causó una espeleología grave, que cosechamos tanto dinero. También tuvimos tantos problemas con la entrega y siempre demoramos. Si no desea frustrarse con el personal antipático, especialmente en el escritorio y tener un servicio de atención al cliente de basura, ¡no compre allí en primer lugar! Mobles la Fàbrica ¡POR FAVOR haz algo al respecto!

  • Pedro Gonçalves

    Pedro Gonçalves


    Very, very slow, takes months and months to get anything. They do not update the customer, we had to call at least five times, always the same promise "next week", etc. Once the furniture came, the delivery men were polite and efficient - which is why I gave two stars instead of one star. Avoid this place, they live in the past century.

  • Andrei Nartea

    Andrei Nartea


    There's a lot of things in the store and you can touch them to see quality. I was not satisfied because I saw only two consultants talking on the phone rather to ask if we need help. I saw some offers on their site and went to the store to see quality and so on, disappointed. I would say that prices are too high

  • Michael De Vere

    Michael De Vere


    Wish we had never stepped foot in this place.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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