Bronze Age Fondue/Hot Pot青铜火锅 i Andorra la Vella

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AndorraBronze Age Fondue/Hot Pot青铜火锅



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3, Cap del Carrer, AD500, Andorra la Vella, AD Andorra
kontakter telefon: +376 628 776
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.5080218, Longitude: 1.5222291

kommentar 5

  • Lisa Mason-Jones

    Lisa Mason-Jones


    Thanks for a really interesting and tasty lunch! Good service and great food. English spoken. See you again soon!

  • Олег Комиссар

    Олег Комиссар


    The first time to try Chinese hot pot. It's quite different from the other Chinese food in europe. I think it's the real taste from China. I like the spicy soup very much. High recommended!

  • travis morris

    travis morris


    The first time to try Chinese hot pot. It's quite different from the other Chinese food in europe. I think it's the real taste from China. I like the spicy soup very much. High recommended!

  • M G

    M G


    Today it is a good luck for me to eat a good meal, a traditional Chinese Hot Pot , and the Hot Pot is very very delicious. For many years I can't eat so traditional Chinese food in Europe. Especially , the soup of Hot Pot is unforgettable for me and I can put all kinds of vegetables and meat in it, like this way to eat, it is very perfect. I am appreciated it for that the boss explains so much about the Chinese Hot Pot. Next time I will take my families to come.

  • Wei CHEN

    Wei CHEN


    The hot pot was very delicious. I traveled to Andorra with my wife and found this great hot pot restaurant. We had a very nice meal and had a very enjoyable trip. The dishes here are very fresh. The boss is very nice and very enthusiastic, I highly recommend this restaurant. You can also feel the authentic Chinese flavor, as if it were the same experience in China.

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