Park Piolets MountainHotel & Spa i Soldeu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AndorraPark Piolets MountainHotel & Spa


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19, CG-2, AD100, Soldeu, AD Andorra
kontakter telefon: +376 871 787
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.577912, Longitude: 1.664081

kommentar 5

  • Roger Phua

    Roger Phua


    Helpful and friendly staff. Good views. No information that gym and pool facilities were closed for renovations when I booked. Defeats the purpose of a relaxing weekend. An off site alternative was offered, but not on property and inconvenient. Very hot rooms in the summer and no air conditioning. Limited parking spaces. Children's playroom is closed on Sundays.

  • Alan Edwards

    Alan Edwards


    Simply amazing hotel. Couldn't fault it

  • Елена Лебедева

    Елена Лебедева


    SPA is highly recommended. Very nice treatments and massages, lovely service. Visit it for a few hours and already want to come back 😊

  • Paul Hann

    Paul Hann


    Hotel Piolets Park and Spa great hotel. Comfortable room with balcony. Great view. High standard of food. Friendly staff

  • Camiel Haagmans

    Camiel Haagmans


    This place ticks all the boxes for a four star hotel and even more. As many people point out the buffet is great and the service too. The staff is always willing to help you and are very friendly. This is where we get down from 5 to 3 stars: the details. We stayed in a suite and paid over 300 euros per night (incl breakfast and dinner). You also get a free mini bar included which is helpful in keeping the family hydrated; no need to buy water. When I had to look under the bed, dust was piling up: not good. Also the air in this place is very dry. Also I think the signing can get better to get around this big place, especially if you avoid taking elevators; I got "lost" a few times or found a dead end. All in all you will have a good time here with your family.

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