Caldea i Escaldes-Engordany

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10, Parc de la Mola, AD700, Escaldes-Engordany, AD Andorra
kontakter telefon: +376 800 999
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Latitude: 42.511597, Longitude: 1.5373433

kommentar 5

  • Siamak Rostamian

    Siamak Rostamian


    Very crowded, very noisy, looks like a fun park, if you are thinking to go to spa to relax definitely it's not the right place. Very basic souna and swimming pool.

  • Carlos Ijalba

    Carlos Ijalba


    Huge spa with lots of different things to do and try: aromatherapy, chromatherapy, sauna, hammam, relaxing rooms, water beds, water cascades, outside jacuzzis (when is snowing it's really an amazing experience), etc. There are also restaurants and shopping area inside. Has an utterly superb night show, so if you go to caldea, make sure no to miss it. Also has the innuu space for an upper class spa experience, which is also very rewarding and highly recommended.

  • Boris Lai

    Boris Lai


    Had high hopes coming from Barcelona to Andorra for this hot spring. Went hiking all day prior and was so eager to arrive, only to find a hot spring that wants to be unique like Icelandic Blue Lagoon but is lacking in every dept. Besides the purchase for an entry ticket, they charge for towels, and for parking too. Id rather pay more and have it all wrapped up instead of feeling nickel and dimed. The complex itself looks amazing from the outside, but inside the lagoon and water temp itself barely broke lukewarm. It was basically a giant swimming pool. The multitude of special rooms and was lacking, mostly just ice baths and a heat corridor that provided no heat. Overall the experience was unique, but in my honest review I couldnt recommend it. I hope they make some changes it could be a wonderful place.

  • Mark Stern

    Mark Stern


    A relaxing and unique experience in Andorra. Inuu is the superior experience—fewer children, more space, better ambiance. It’s worth the extra euros. The outdoor section of the spa is amazing. This place made my hair and skin feel amazing.

  • Denisa Herman

    Denisa Herman


    Very cool place but was expecting something more “wow”. Their marketing really raised my expectations to another level. I think it’s worth it going by can have awesome views from the jacuzzi. I don’t need any slippers..they don’t allow slippers inside. And u don’t need more than 3 hours as it gets boring at a certain point. However, it’s a cool experience to try. Loved the outdoor jacuzzi. There were some cool art at the entrance too.

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