Carmen Thyssen Museum of Andorra de Escaldes-Engordany

AndorreCarmen Thyssen Museum of Andorra



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37, Avinguda Carlemany, AD700, Escaldes-Engordany, AD Andorra
contact téléphone: +376 800 800
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 42.508788, Longitude: 1.54208

commentaires 5

  • Ess Green

    Ess Green


    Lovely inside, a shame you can't take photographs but I guess it forces you to take it all in better. The tour guide was personable and had lots of knowledge.

  • Katerina D

    Katerina D


    A small museum, basically two rooms, but the exhibition is of very good quality. The one I visited had the works from the Thyssen Museum in Madrid, paintings by impressionists and more modern artists. A wonderful passtime in between skiing the slopes.

  • Geoff Puttock

    Geoff Puttock


    Wonderful worth a visit .

  • Danielle Orsini

    Danielle Orsini


    Not only did the security guard follow us around but 1-2 employees as well. It appeared to be part of their job description to be close in case we needed something. But it just made me feel uncomfortable. It's a small room but with a few noticable names.

  • Javi Serna

    Javi Serna


    Nice renovation of the hotel where it's is placed. I expected a little more of one room with around 20 pieces and the shop entrance for 9 € . 6 people working there I think it's too much unless they volunteer.

la plus proche

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