Taured de Andorra la Vella




🕗 horaire

AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra
contact téléphone: +376
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 42.5063174, Longitude: 1.5218355

commentaires 5

  • erik lee

    erik lee


    incroyable mais vrai, le lieu existe bel et bien ! Le bureau vous accueille très chaleureusement, vous offrant même des petits cadeaux, genre porte clés au sceau du pays. Seul bémol à 14h00, on doit quitter les lieux.

  • _t_a_r_d_i_s_ !

    _t_a_r_d_i_s_ !


    Ich war nicht da aber wieso heißt es Taured in Andorra ? Ist es eine Anspielung auf Der Mann von Taured ?

  • david Grubrù

    david Grubrù


    i went there when i did my second dimensional trip from earth 45 to earth 21. the portal works well and is fast (faster than the one on lizbia). i was well prepared but i had some questions to ask about earth 21 customs and the staff helped me a lot and they have a lot of pamphlets (lpt : don't talk about the undercover aliens, there hasn't been any disclosure on this earth, i did and i had to stay two weeks in a mental institute)

  • Olly UniPad

    Olly UniPad


    Maybe the one strange guy who said he is from taured works here

  • Casey Gilbert

    Casey Gilbert


    This absolutely made my day!!!! Love the humor!!

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