Signum CervecerĂ­a Artesanal de Encamp

AndorreSignum CervecerĂ­a Artesanal



🕗 horaire

31, Avinguda de Joan MartĂ­, AD200, Encamp, AD Andorra
contact téléphone: +376 830 730
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 42.5337115, Longitude: 1.5803915

commentaires 5

  • Ian Lawrence

    Ian Lawrence


    Great place, good friendly staff. Nice food

  • atfh



    Lovely place with great food and beer.

  • Donatas P

    Donatas P


    Simple, friendly place and good price

  • Zanko Ralenekov

    Zanko Ralenekov


    The beers produced locally are very good. Also try the beef steak cooked by Argentine recipe.

  • David Duffy

    David Duffy


    Great place! Amazing beers. The stout was really special, but we tried four and they all were good. Had the ribs and entrecotte, both were cooked really well. Meat was falling off the bone on the ribs, with real homemade fries. Tiramisu for desert was also fantastic. Service was great, all the guys were lovely. Cool bar as well, Playing snowboard films, in a relaxed atmosphere. Highly recommended

Restaurant la plus proche

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