La Mossegada Restaurant de Andorra la Vella

AndorreLa Mossegada Restaurant



🕗 horaire

73, Avinguda Meritxell, AD500, Andorra la Vella, AD Andorra
contact téléphone: +376 823 131
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 42.5088989, Longitude: 1.5293074

commentaires 5

  • Cynthea Corbett

    Cynthea Corbett


    We ordered pizza 10/10 cooked beautifully and very tasty (not like some of the previous comments). Maybe a little over priced. Staff were friendly and attentive. We also enjoyed an irish coffee and one with cognac. I would go back again.

  • d a i s y .

    d a i s y .


    DO NOT GO TO THIS PLACE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! We found a piece of cling film (plastic) in the lasagne, which costed €10.80 if I remember correctly, which implies the lasagne was frozen and had been reheated. After telling the staff, they insisted that the food that they were selling was 'delicious', and the cling film was a 'piece of cheese' we told them that the cling film could have caused an extreme safety hazard if it hadn't been spotted. After this we proceeded to ask them for some sort of discount, seeing as the food was dreadful and had inedible strings of plastic floating in the dish. They took a member of the group (not myself) downstairs into the kitchen, obviously to allow the other customers to be oblivious to their disgusting food. From what he tells me, there were about 3 members of staff threatening him by saying 'If you keep arguing and don't pay the full price we will call the police'. In conclusion, do not come here, do not even consider this place as an option

  • Aria G

    Aria G


    Unfriendly, not reacting to complaints. Immensely overpriced. I can get better frozen pizza at a supermarket. Not even the soup was hot. DON'T GO HERE.

  • Vaidas Jazdauskas

    Vaidas Jazdauskas


    Expensive and low quality food, small portions. The pizzas are basically frozen just put in the oven

  • Jassim Al Janahi

    Jassim Al Janahi


    Nice pizza, friendly service, clean toilet. Owner gentleman.

Restaurant la plus proche

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