Hotel PERALBA de Aixovall

AndorreHotel PERALBA



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Carretera D, AD600 Aixovall, Andorra
contact téléphone: +376 841 141
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 42.4760335, Longitude: 1.4886728

commentaires 5

  • Itamar Borochov

    Itamar Borochov


    Reasonable service, private parking, very small and clean rooms, quiet location.

  • hazel mitten

    hazel mitten


    this was a good hotel for over night stay it had free parking and was idea for shopping

  • Jonny Knowles

    Jonny Knowles


    Very clean, nice hotel.

  • Craig Keene

    Craig Keene


    I have to say my first impression and review which I deleted was not correct and me jumping the gun was unnecessary. The staff were friendly and helpful and spoke English. It was the only hotel in the area that accommodated our two huskies which are not small dogs. Yes the room was small but had all we needed as we are up early and back late. They even noticed I plumped the one pillow to make higher and when we returned they had put extra pillows without request which was nice. It is located well with a short drive to andorra and a good hike for adults and dogs behind the hotel along the river. I would recommend to people with dogs that have problems finding hotels that take large or more than one dog. We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay and to say we have very contented yet very tired dogs !!!

  • Joao Oliveira-Filho

    Joao Oliveira-Filho


    Cozy and very convenient! A very good choice for the money! Very attentive and cordial staff and very good food at the restaurant on premises! A free parking space, what makes it a good bet for driving around the whole of Andorra. Free Wi-Fi and very good breakfast. The manager and her son are very helpful!

Lodging la plus proche

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