Hotel MĂ gic La Massana de La Massana

AndorreHotel MĂ gic La Massana


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7, Avinguda el Través, AD400, La Massana, AD Andorra
contact téléphone: +376 735 900
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 42.547226, Longitude: 1.515275

commentaires 5

  • Dert veedah

    Dert veedah


    All nice etc. but this hotel does one thing that is a no-go for me: claiming your passport. A copy is not good enough, they want to keep hold of your passport. You come in late at night and when arguing that a passport is private (or national to be more precise) property and it is actually illegal to claim someone else's passport, they bluntly say you can either hand over your passport or go look for another hotel in the middle of the night. For sure they won't repay you if they loose your passport, which is easily possible as the passports are just laying in the open cupboard at the reception. In the middle of the night you can see all passports laying there (and grab them if the keeper, who is more busy chatting with his girlfriend, doesn't see you). Or what if the hotel is on fire and you leave ardently, but without passing the reception. There is no justification for claiming the guests passports and just keep them openly lying around and the consequences for the guests are far worse if the passport got lost (and the hotel will certainly not help at all). Totally unacceptable, as is the "give me your passport or f*ck off" attitude. This alone for me is a reason to never visit this hotel again. As the saying goes: the way he handles his guests is the way the owner is.

  • Marcin Dohnalik

    Marcin Dohnalik


    Hotel was clean, beautiful, staff really nice, rooms perfect. But food. Oh. Food. I never seen open buffet like this. Up to 200 hundred people, more than 100 peak same time, and still everything was full. Not one table full - 15 tables at least, 10 different dishes, each with few options full. Both breakfast and dinner. And they had gorgeous bar. Even magic, I would say. You get it? Magic, because name of hotel was... Oh. OK. I will get out now.

  • Penny Day

    Penny Day


    This hotel was warm and clean. The car park ramp was very tight and hard to get round even in my small car. We had a room by on the front of the hotel and the road noise was quite loud but the view made up for it. We had a double bed with sofa bed which was already made up. This was a bit impractical as we had to sit on our bed to watch the TV. We went to the Irish bar downstairs and the food was good and the children played on the games and our dog was allowed in too.

  • Michael Fraser

    Michael Fraser


    I was here while mountain biking in Andorra. There are no bike specific facilities at the hotel, although they are happy for you to store your bike in the room. There are a couple of options near the hotel for bike washing so that wasn't an issue. My rental car (Volvo XC60) was too big for the carpark, so I had to use the public parking nearby. The room was comfortable and very quiet. Breakfast was pretty good too. Very cheap happy hour at the bar - be warned!

  • Luke Glenet

    Luke Glenet


    Great place to stay right next to ski lift. Small spa area but good between 7/8. Overall good exp

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