Hotel del Tarter de El Tarter

AndorreHotel del Tarter



🕗 horaire

55, Placeta del Tarter, AD100, El Tarter, AD Andorra
contact téléphone: +376 802 080
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 42.5786176, Longitude: 1.6498653

commentaires 5

  • Eddie VdV

    Eddie VdV


    Friendly staff, beautiful big rooms, great food. And safe motorbike-parking in their own garage. In the morning lot's of choice for breakfast with fresh juice ...

  • Jeff Mindrup

    Jeff Mindrup


    We've stayed here twice and loved it both times. A creek runs through the back and the rooms are large and clean. Dinner in the restaurant and breakfast are both excellent.

  • Martin Angus

    Martin Angus


    A wonderful hotel. Beautiful building, lovely sized rooms, delicious & varied breakfast. Friendly staff. Good bar & restaurant prices. The ski locker & room safe were helpful. Solid wifi too! A great base for a ski holiday in the amazing Grandvalira resort.

  • Magnus Beronius

    Magnus Beronius


    Arrived in Andorra on my HONDA from the south – in other words Spain. Came to El Tarter from/via Ordino and route CS-240 down to Canillo… HOTEL del TARTER = Bang on Target, free parking for the MOTO inside the garage, friendly welcome and service, suuuper nice and fresh room where you also could make your own coffee, TV incl intl channels such as BBC/CNN, had one first-class spaghetti carbonara for dinner. Breakfast normally served from 8 AM, they had the complete breakfast ready – only for my sake – already at 07:00 AM = school-book example of ‘going the extra mile’, very much appreciated :-) This htl stay did for sure deliver well over my expectations, strong recommendation, stayed between July 16-17 2018.

  • Daniel Maddock

    Daniel Maddock


    Really good. Just a little too quiet

Lodging la plus proche

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