Apartaments la Neu de Ordino

AndorreApartaments la Neu



🕗 horaire

s/n, Avinguda de l'Angonella, AD300, Ordino, AD Andorra
contact téléphone: +376 749 749
site web: www.laneu.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 42.599839, Longitude: 1.5317296

commentaires 5

  • Memy Mobtel

    Memy Mobtel


    Very nice, comfortable and clean place with exceptionally good beds. Highly recommended!

  • Henry Schober

    Henry Schober


    The best location and place. Awesome food.

  • Florian Wohlfart

    Florian Wohlfart


    We stayed here for two nights with our son and were impressed by the value for money you get. Very spacy appartment with own kitchen (even including mixer, juice press, Espresso and coffee maschine, dish washer, huge fridge with separate deep frezer, oven, microwave and all the dishes, plates, cups and stuff you would expect in a fully furnished appartment. Everything really clean and in good quality. Matraces in the beds are of very good quality compared to what you normally get in holiday appartments. Free parking just in front of the hotel. A clear recommendation to future guests - especially those looking for snow and skiing. Location is at 1400 m and the next professional skiing location is just 15 min by car away.

  • Andy Anderson

    Andy Anderson


    Great place to stay. Super friendly and helpful staff. The apartments are incredible. Clean nice and a tremendous value! We could live here!

  • Suzanne Worthington

    Suzanne Worthington


    Friendly family owned and run aparthotel with a fantastic welcome and weekend handmade pizza restaurant. The restaurant also operates at lunchtime during the week and weekend. Wonderful ambience and comfort.

Lodging la plus proche

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